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  1. Thank you so much!
  2. How can i contact them sorry for the hassle im new to the servers
  3. i cannot craft the rod and i just wanna be able to use shimmer rock and bifrost glass as a decorative item
  4. dw20 1.12
  5. Is the rod of bifrost banned i wnated to make some shimmerock if its banned you should add shimmerrock or the bifrost glass as a shop item for sale
  6. Hi My name is ThePolishKid Ingame. I have an enquiry is the server very laggy or is there a problem with botania? The cooldowns o nthe flowers dont work and the livingrock and livingwood sometimes take 20 minis to make and it should be 60 secs i crafted a thermalily now and it has been over 20 mins and it has not cooled down yet and it should only take 6 and also sometimes the mana spreaders do not take mana from the flowers even if i bind them multiple times to the mana spreader
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