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Posts posted by LeonJedvaj

  1. Hello everyone, through this forum I would like to apply for a helper. Honestly, my English is not good but I like to help people a lot, I have a bit of experience in servers and I think it would be a good opportunity for someone like me, (who speaks Spanish) to have a more fluent communication or be more helpful to survival users. For example, that I have come across, they mostly speak Spanish, and many times they need help from a helper. As I said before my English is very basic but bunnylau recommended me, he told me to apply anyway. Without further ado, I appreciate the consideration of those who take the time to read this Topic, and regardless of the answer, thank you for taking the time to decide it.                                                                      Regars LeonJedvaj


  2. [1] In-Game Username:

    [2] Details of Situation:

    island has too much 

    me storage cells

    [3] Ban Category:

    chunk ban

    [4] Ban Duration:

    15 days

    [5] Staff Member:


    [6] ScreenShots:


    [7] Your Reason:

    accidently placed shulkers

    full of me storage cells

  3. Your Name: LeonJedvaj
    Island Owner Name: LeonJedvaj
    Coordinates: 8:30 AM, +2GMT, 09. Sept 2021.
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 
    Description of Issue: Unable to load server and my Island. I am getting error io.netty.handler.codec.Decoder.exception:Badly compressed packet- size of 2195377 is larger than protocol maximum of 2097152.

    Please help.
    Screenshots (Optional): 


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