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BomannNorway's Achievements

  1. Fairy ring and an axe try rerollback to 9:30AM GMT+2 or 9:00AM GMT+2 28.09.2021
  2. Um my fariy ring my axe
  3. I used an fariy ring idk if that has somthing to do with it
  4. Your Name: BomannNorway Discord name Bo#5955 Coordinates: Spawn Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 8AM GMT+2 28.09.2021 Description of Issue: I did command /Home (homename) from the end to overwolrd and when tped i instantly died and it said i had sufficated in a wall. I tried doing /back but it said it was unsafe i did not find my item agen so please roll me back Screenshots (Optional):
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