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    DrCheeseTaco reacted to Cold_Fire2112 in [Guide] Live Map   
    I know there is a sign in spawn, but if you want to check the livemap without logging on, here is the link.
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    DrCheeseTaco reacted to Bag_n_Tag in Atomic Science - [Guide] Fulmination Generators   
    So there seem to be many misconceptions about Fulmination Generators floating around on the forums and in the Tekkit server. I would just like to inform the masses what a fulmination generator does, how it works, and to discredit some myths surrounding it. I will also like to clarify some things about redstone energy conduits.
    First off, what is a fulmination generator?
    Fulmination generators, as seen in the image, are cubic, hollow, multi block structures. They generate power via explosions, of which the best way is to use antimatter. A single bit of 125 MG antimatter generated billions of RF
    Antimatter is made by means of a Particle Accelerator, of which I have 2,which are both 64x64. 
    Anyways, fulmination generators (fulm for short) are best known for generating huge amounts of RF in short bursts. Here is where the myths start.
    A: they make a crap load of power, but in a very short burst.
    The first part, craploads of power, is absolutely true. My fulmination generator, which is 7x7x7, produces 2.3 M RF/T. To put things in perspective, a passive cooled (resonant ender) 7x7x7 big reactor with 13 fuel rods (checkerboard pattern) in it makes 18 kRF/T. Around 1/125th the RF of a fulmination generator. However, the myth where it is in a short burst is simply not true. Each fulmination generator block has a sort of internal storage, meaning you are not forced to use the power or store it somewhere else immediately, as is commonly thought. For a long while, I had my laser drills hooked directly to the fulm, with no energy cells between them, and they would run for days at a time. 
    B: "Unless you take the time to set up a huge power bank, there's no way to make use of all that energy coming from the fulm generator" *direct quote*
    Partly debunked in part A, people seem to think that there is no good way, short of hundreds of tessaracts, to transfer the energy produced. This is where people are misunderstanding Redstone Energy Conduits. The common belief is that each conduit can only carry 10k rf/t.... This is not true, and can be a little confusing. The limitation is actually calculated as 10k rf/t per connection. That means that one tiny little conduit can carry millions of RF, so long as they are being transferred through many different connections. Here are some pictures to explain:
    In this picture, one face of the tessaract is connected to one face of the precharger: 1 connection in, 1 connection out, meaning 10k rf/t in, 10k rf/t out.
    In this picture, you will see that there are 2 connections in, and 2 connections out. Even though at some point, every connection in the picture will be going through only 1 conduit block, since there are 2 in and 2 out, the max transfer rate is 20k rf/t.
    This fact, combined with the Fulmination generator's own sort of internal storage, effectively means that one does not need to harness the power right away.
    For a practical example, i can run these 16 laser drills at full power:
    and charge, at the same time, from empty to full, in under 5 minutes these:
    A few things to be mindful of:
    - the actual fulmination generator block is indestructible, so if you misplace one you must use a turtle to pick it back up
    -unless you are rich AF, dont try getting one
    - the edges of the fulm cube are not needed, and in fact reduce the max rf/t output by blocking potential connections for conduit. Just look at mine
    Ultimately, fulms are the endgame power source. Unless you are going for the "cool" factor, in terms of pure effectiveness, you should probably switch to fulms if you can. 
    I made this post because im sick of people trying to convince me that fusion is better.
    Full picture album: imgur.com/gallery/TMxR0
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    DrCheeseTaco reacted to Skittles in MyTown Mod - Permissions Tutorial   
    Updated 7th June 2015 - By Skittles
    In this tutorial you will learn how to claim & create towns in our servers.
    It is best to use these following commands to protect yourself from greifing. It is very important you make a town and keep your items from being stolen because we will not refund items to players who have been greifed on UNCLAIMED land.
    First of all the most important command you need to know is /town perm town, using this command in game will list all the possible tweaks you can do to your town, things such as not allowing mobs to spawn in your town or disabling creeper explosions but there will be more on those commands later.
    Town Claiming & Creation Tekkit and FTB:
    In order to create a town on Tekkit you will need 6 ash (ash is the currency on our Tekkit Server) in order to get ash for the first time on our server you must use the /vote command and then vote for our server, each vote will give you 2 ash (unless its a special occasion where the ash can x4). To create initial town you must make sure you're not close to any other towns or you will not be able to create it, type in chat the following /town new name. If you didn't know "name" is where you put your chosen town name. Moving on to claim more chunks in the town you must go out 1 block from your town border till you are in the wilderness then use the following command /town claim to use this command you will need a further 2 ash for every time you claim, simply right click the ash in your hand after typing and entering the command.
    The FTB server uses the same commands as Tekkit, however the currency system is different. In the FTB server you get money instead of ash for voting, each time you claim it costs 20$.
    To add friends to your town in Tekkit you must use the following command, /town friend add name. To remove friends /town friend remove name. Simple as that.
    In FTB to add friends you must use the following command /town friends add name and /town friends remove name. Again very simple.
    A nation is a group of towns combined to make one, this increase the amount of chunks you can claim and has other benefits. In order to create a nation you must use the /town nation new name command. To invite another town into your nation you use the following /town nation invite townname.
    /Town Perm Town Set Town Build/Enter/Loot/Access This permission is simple and has 4 options , build will let the people that belong to your town to build inside it , Enter will allow them come inside your town but that is it , They can not build. Loot will allow them to pick up items on the ground, and Access will allow them to open inventories like furnaces and chests. /Town Perm Town set Nation Build/Enter/None/Loot/Access This command has 3 options , Build which will let your nation members build inside your town , Enter which will make them enter in your town but they can not do anything else , None which will make sure none of your nation members can enter your town.Loot will allow them to pick up items on the ground, and Access will allow them to open inventories like furnaces and chests. /Town Perm Town Set Out Build/Enter/None/Loot/Access This command has 3 options , Build which will let outsiders who are not in your town build inside it , Enter which will make outsiders be able to enter your town and nothing else , None which will make sure they can not enter your town. Loot will allow them to pick up items on the ground, and Access will allow them to open inventories like furnaces and chests. /Town Perm Town Set Friend Build/Enter/None/Loot/Access This command has 3 options , Build lets your friend Build inside your town , Enter will make them only able be enter your town and none will make sure they can not enter your town.Loot will allow them to pick up items on the ground, and Access will allow them to open inventories like furnaces and chests. /Town Perm Town Set Carts True/False This command is a very nice one , It makes sure outsiders or people who should not be able to play with your carts should not be able to interact with the cart Or damage it in anyway by riding it and such. True makes outsiders be able to play with your carts and false makes sure they can not interact with your carts in your town. /Town Perm Town Set Steverailer True/False This command has 2 options , True allows Steve railer carts allowed in your town and false makes sure they can not be placed or allowed in your town , if they are placed when it is false , MyTown will destroy it , but you can pick it up again. /Town Perm Town Set SteveMiner True/False This command has 2 options , True Which will allow Steve's miners in your town so that they can be placed , And false will destroy any steve miner inside your town , Either if they come from outside or are placed from the inside , Just like steveRailer. /Town Perm Town Set rcBore True/False This command has 2 options , True allowed RcBore and False Does not. /Town Perm Town Set BC True/False True allows Build Craft machines such as Fillers , Quarry , Builders inside your town , False Does not allow you to place any of the named items inside your town . If placed it will be broken and you can pick it up again. /Town Perm Town Set CCTurtles True/False True Will allow ComputerCraft Turtles inside your town and False will not , I highly recommend keeping it false unless you need it or else you could get greifed by it since it is the number one grief tool for bypassing MyTown when set to True. /Town Perm Town Set CloseClaim True/False This is a simple command , Normally MyTown wont let you claim to close to another town , If you try you will get them "To Close to another Town" Error , If you set this to true you will be able to claim right next to his boundary, False will leave a little gap between him and you if he is close to you. /Town Perm Town Set KillMobs True/False This when set to true ( It is true by default ) will let outsiders kill mobs when inside your town , If set to false they will not be able to kill mobs inside your town. /Town Perm Town Set CreepOff True/False This has a funny name ''Creep off'' lol But it is not what you think , It is about creepers explosion , If set to true Creeper explosions wont do any damage , If set to false it will. /Town Perm Town Set TNTOff True/False Setting it to true will make tnt explosions do no damage, False will make it do damage to the players , It is a very good command to protect your town from tnt cannons  /Town Perm Town Set Mobsoff True/False Setting it to true will make sure mobs do not spawn in your town , Setting it to false will make mobs spawn inside your town. /Town perm Town Set FireballOff True/False A Fire ball for example is one from a blaze or a wither. Setting it to true will make sure fireballs do not come inside your town, Setting it to false will allow fireballs inside your town. Credit to MrBatman for writing the above commands and writing the first tutorial.
    There are also a few permissions missed that you can see using the /town perm town command in game.
    Happy Gaming,
    Your Craftersland Team.
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