Your Name: Karedami
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 29.01.2023 before 13:00 it was everything ok
Description of Issue: so i wanted to make a simple quarry with a builder coded ender chest and flux network and all i needed was how to transport items from enderchest to a RE storage system.
I created importer(refined storage) and it was slow as SHIT so my "genius" told me to make an upgrade all the way to ultra importer( i think it was from extra storage ) i placed it and bum crash.
Couldnt log in for an hour so i writed to veber and well not one but a lot of chunks were not loading (first screenshot) then i logged in after 40 min and ye chunks were still missing and btw i didnt even started the quarry so 99% sure that its importers fault. plz send halp and also i have in mind a work around that will not blow up server and my claim soooooooo also dont make a roll back like from a few days ago. ah and when i writing it im on the server but im not (see last screenshot)
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