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Momonan's Achievements

  1. Nickname: momonanq Issue: I have maximum available to built 12 chunkloaders, but when i place a chunkloader it says i have already 5 chunkloaders active. But i don`t. It has happened after i returneb back to game and saw that instead my old chunkloaders there was a obsidian block
  2. Account Name: Momonanq Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands: worldedit Reason for Request: Clean my old base and expand new base
  3. Your Name: momonanq Coordinates: dk Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): before 12:45 UTC Description of Issue: Found in my ME wrong ITEM, and clicked it, so since i can't log in and minecraft is crashing. Item from AE2 Screenshots (Optional): None
  4. Account Name: Momonanq Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: NEI Access: Items and Weather (like as writen in donation shop) Reason for Request*: For building Purposes and quick access to items during the tests I undertake not to transfer such items to anyone else, as well as items received with the help of such items.
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