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EpicKaote's Achievements

  1. bump
  2. bump
  3. + /time set pls
  4. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god Server: DDSS Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  5. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  6. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god , day/night Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  7. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god , day/night /v Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  8. Thank you i will try it
  9. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: time set Reason for Request: -
  10. Hi, i have an issue! i can download the pastebin on Computercraft but i can’t start it and it doesn’t show on the Monitor.
  11. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  12. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  13. Account Name: EpicKaote Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands: WorldEdit commands, /god Reason for Request: Just for Base building
  14. Thank you!
  15. and a question? i have invisible blocks in my base? how can i get rid of them?
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