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Everything posted by Marix79

  1. Your Name: Marix79 Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 Dragon gem (#6431) Base Coordinates: X:3319 Z:28 Description of Issue: After the server update i lost my Dragon species and so now im stuck as a boring human again, i would really appreciate if i could get my race back :3 Screenshots (Optional): alr so normally i try to always have screenshots as proof but i was not prepared this time so sadly you'll just have to take my word for it, but if it helps i have been around Cataclysm_Cat multiple times as this dragon race if it accounts for anything :3
  2. nevermind! I found the items in the market that had the same enchants so i just bought those :3
  3. Your Name: Marix79 Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 Golem Chestplate #4172 (Enchantments: Advanced Protection IV; unbreaking IV; Advanced Mending; Curse of Possession; Upgraded Potentials; Strengthened Vitality V; Advanced Thorns III) 1 Sentient Scythe #6623 (Enchantments that i remember: Mortalitas V; Curse of Possession; Supreme Sharpness V; Advanced Mending; Rune: Piercing Capabilities IV; Upgraded Potentials; Critical Strike; Atomic Deconstructor II; Adept III; Lifesteal II; Reviled Blade II; Disarmament V) Base Coordinates: -79, 69, 5631 Description of Issue: After my inventory rollback there are 2 major things i never got back Screenshots (Optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuJ0ScVqkuRC5jXagKTEKsymrBuPPMKb5LpWayLHrWI/edit?usp=sharing
  4. Your Name: Marix79 Coordinates: -77, 73, 5630 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:30pm EDT 4/3/2022 Description of Issue: I was going around in the raid world and i die, but when i died i had a very good golem chestplate on and a newly enchanted sentient scythe on me, both of which had curse of possession on them, but then i respawned i didnt have either and when i did /back they weren't there Screenshots (Optional): all i have is a screenshot of my chestplate cuz i didnt take a screenie of the scythe yet the screenie takes too much space so heres a doc with it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zZd1JIsbduzxJmHVbBLeUP5EabCU5J4LdaYVtendgPs/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Your Name: Marix79 Item Name + ID + Amount: Dragon Horn; #4497; 1 (inside: stage 4 white ice dragon named Quartz) Base Coordinates: -76, 73, 5631 Description of Issue: I was getting ready to breed my female and male ice dragon after i just named the male ice dragon so that i could hopefully get the last color ice dragon egg when my inventory glitched out, my male stage 4 ice dragon became unnamed and the name tag returned to my inventory right where my dragon horn holding my female ice dragon was, i relogged to see if that would fix it to no avail. I dont have a Screenshot of my white ice dragon horn but i do have one for the male i was gonna breed her with so i hope thats enough ;-; Screenshots (Optional): the screenshot wont post so ill link a google doc with it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z4945lXtj_q44nLfNKU0mSz32HAgbwoBe0OwUZbxi9c/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Your Name: Marix79 Item Name + ID + Amount: Glowstone; 37; #0089 Mana Candy; 192; #5514 Mana Crystal; 4; #7001 Dragon's Breath; 8; #0437 Diamond Block; 62; #0057 Bound Pickaxe; 1; #4158 (Enchantments [that i remember]: Mending I; Efficiency VI; Fortune III) Base Coordinates: -79, 70, 5630 Description of Issue: I was breaking some leftover glowstone in my chests to get glowstone dust while in my house, two Radria's spawned and i died, all my items flew out of my inventory despite being in a claim, and then when i went to pick up the items i literally watched them all dissapear before i could get to them. Following the inventory rollback i fould that some items i had prior had not been returned after said rollback, the items listed are said items. Screenshots (Optional): I have the screenshot linked to the inventory rollback request screenie
  7. Glowstone; 37; #0089 Mana Candy; 192; #5514 Mana Crystal; 4; #7001 Dragon's Breath; 8; #0437 Diamond Block; 62; #0057 Bound Pickaxe; 1; #4158 (Enchantments [that i remember]: Mending I; Efficiency VI; Fortune III)
  8. Your Name: Marix79 Coordinates: -79, 70, 5630 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 3:55/ EDT/ 3/18/2022 Description of Issue: I was breaking some leftover glowstone in my chests to get glowstone dust while in my house, two Radria's spawned and i died, all my items flew out of my inventory despite being in a claim, and then when i went to pick up the items i literally watched them all dissapear before i could get to them. Screenshots (Optional):
  9. Your Name: Marix79 Coordinates: -1181, 73, 848 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 7:30 EDT 3/17/2022 Description of Issue: I was killed at spawn and all of my items dropped Screenshots (Optional):
  10. I am also affected by this, i cannot get onto the server either.
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