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Everything posted by GamingGenius4

  1. Yes but I but asked a Mod and a helper and they said that this is a kid friendly server so this rule dosent make any sense to me contextually at all if people can swear at all without immediate action being taken at all
  2. A rule is to lenient and that one is the swearing rule you guys say it is a kid friendly server yet you allow swears to be used with minimal punishment/without some kind of swearbot getting rid of them either way the current ones dont make any sense and they are This rule needs revision because it is to lenient and seems to not have any big penaltys/censors to stop swearing from happening or preventing it in general besides a warning then a mute so technically they swear 2 times and its a mute oh and this is for Skyfactory rules
  3. Allocate more ram for skyfactory 4 the server keeps closing and restarting so much due to lag one of your helper persons who wants to be anomyous in said post said its due to it being on a shared server with 10gb It needs to either have its own server or more ram added or both.Also your helpers need battering rams to see what players are doing on islands to see which ones are making extensive lag or using to many cables
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