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achilesx's Achievements

  1. Your Name: Dariusz NapieraƂa free donation + achilesx + Amount: 1 Coordinates: Poland/Wielkopolska Description of Issue: I bought donation for 1.99 euro and it didn't give me anything and I think it suppose to give something Screenshots (Optional):
  2. well the thing is I died in someone claim idk why exactly he killed me but my grave didn't spawn and items didn't drop simply they vanish I lost full infinity armor sword of cosmos charge laconic staff of power and time in a bottle and also I lost all my etc I had 3.3t
  3. I spend moeny on it
  4. i donated 1.99 euro and didn't get anything but it say right here that I will get rewards can I get ruffed?
  5. i have a porblem I bought claim for 2k and I didn't set home there is there a way to teleport to it?
  6. i have problem I made review and I didn't get review rewards its been 2 weeks and I need that 20k badly nick in game achilesx / mail in review website incognitokom7@gmail.com please fix it
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