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  1. Name: Ghosthall999 Coordinates: X: 1205, Z: -797 Y: 73 (4) Timezone/Date: 4am central time or 04:00 CST on May 27th (6pm Kst) Issue: I disconnected from the server briefly and when i rejoined I had been killed and my stuff had all disappeared/despawned.
  2. How do I make an inventory rollback request?
  3. Hello, I am player ghosthall99 and I apparently died while disconnected and therefore lost all of my stuff. I don't know what to do, I am at level 34 so it will be pretty impossible to restart and I really just wanted to build, not regain all of my stuff and experience. I dont want to give up but I am pretty discouraged. I even lost my claim shovel and stuff. Please help .
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