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tang's Achievements

  1. and cop enchant on the boot too
  2. legendary quality golem boot btw
  3. i have a boot with adv prot 4, unbreaking 4, underwater strider 3, forst walker 2, magma walker 2, high jump 2, sliding, wall running, light weight 3, double jump, adv thorn 3, adv mending, upg pro, feather falling 4.
  4. and i have a dying ankh shield with hearty and cop enchants + burning shield and unbreaking 4
  5. and this is my bow (it is legendary)
  6. this is not my scythe but my scythe has the same enchants like this but without the unreasonable and my scythe have sup sharp 5 too
  7. my nun
  8. i think you roll me back way too early i didn't get a lot of important stuff so i want to get rollback again to 6/9/2022, it is 7/11/2022 for me right now.
  9. Your Name: tang Coordinates: x 2411 y-2988 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 6/9/2022 Description of Issue: idk what happend i was fighting a boss but i died and i have like 10 items with curse of possession on it, and after i respawn i only got like 3 and idk where is all the other stuff is, i asked my teammade five but he said he don't have it. Screenshots (Optional):
  10. Your Name: tang Coordinates: x 2411 y -2988 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 6/9/2022 Description of Issue: scar sell us his nunkachu and after we got the nun he killed us and make half of our loot gone, and after that he paid us 100k and five(my teammade) a set of armor he broke, and after like 5 min, he started spawn killing five and take everything he have away and the armor and weapon we buy, and then he spawns lava monster in our base and started spawn killing me and make all my stuff gone and spawn lava monsters to burn down our loots and make then spawn killing us. Screenshots (Optional):
  11. Your Name: tang Item Name + Amount: 1 udying+heaty ankh shield Coordinates: Description of Issue: lost cuz the cop glitch, i have the enchant curse of possession, burn shield 4, unbreaking 3. Screenshots (Optional):
  12. Your Name: tang Coordinates: x 2411 y -2988 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): yestoday 3 pm PDT Description of Issue: i lost a lot of imporntant stuff because of the enchant cop glitched and i lost my boot, scythe, and ankh stuff, so i want to rollback my inv to yestoday Screenshots (Optional):
  13. Your Name: tang Item Name + Amount: masterful golem boot + 1 Coordinates: x 2411 y -2988 Description of Issue: the golem boot cop enchant glitched and my game crashed, and when i came back it disapperd, it has the enchant adv prot 4, adv thorn 3, adv mending, frost walker 2, magma walker 2, depth strider 3, unbreaking 3, upg prot, sliding, double jump, high jump 3, light weight 2. curse of possession. Screenshots (Optional):
  14. Your Name: tang Item Name + Amount: masterful golem boot[1] + undying ankh shield + hearty [1] Coordinates: x 2411, y -2988 Description of Issue: For the ankh shield, i was fighting a boss and i didn't read chat that the server is resetting and when it resets i was holding our the ankh shield and when i joined back the server my ankh shield disapperd, it has the enchant unbreaking 3, curse of possession, burning shield 4 and for my boot, i lost it again cuz when i was trying to [item] to someone and i was glitching that whatever i click on my inv just drop, but my boot have curse of possession on it and it just glitched and crashed my game and when i reopen the rlcraft lanucher it disapperd, idk if clearlag clear it or something but it disapperd and the enchant for my boot is adv prot 4, frost walker 2, magma walker 2, high jump 2, light weight 2, depth str 3, double jump, adv mending, adv thorn 3, upg prot, curse of possession, sliding. Screenshots (Optional): this is to show that i have the ankh sheild, i didnt take the whole screenshot of my inv.
  15. Your Name: tang Item Name + ID + Amount: golem boot + 1 Base Coordinates: x2384, y-2998 (desert) Description of Issue: i lost my golem boot when i was in spawn, i was trying to check on it and i accident drop it but it says it can't drop the item and it disapperd, it has adv prot 4, adv thron 3, frost walker 2, magma walker 2, high jump 2, double jump, depth strider 3, upg prot, adv mending, unbreaking 4. Screenshots (Optional): none, didn't take screenshot of the inv when i lost it
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