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BigC10000's Achievements

  1. Here is a link to some images (sorry it took a bit to figure out): https://bigctenthousand.imgur.com/all
  2. is there any way we could do a chunk rollback?
  3. is there any way we could do a chunk rollback?
  4. I thought it auto claimed turns out it does not
  5. no
  6. The date is 6/9/2022 srry bout that
  7. In-Game Nickname: Bigc10000 Time and date:8:28 Description of what happened: I had been working on getting an ME system and then the server restarted i left for a little and when i got back on realized a few holes in my base floor and then in my crafting room i noticed all my machines where gone and i realized i was griefed and with further checking not only had they stolen my machines (resonant Thermal machines and others) but my mob farm and my smeltry all gone, holes in all my floors lots of loot stolen and my base destroyed. Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) List of eyewitnesses:
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