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Everything posted by FubukiTheIceBoy

  1. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBioy Item Name + Amount: x1 Ankh Shield x1 Red Dragon Scale pants with phantom thread x1 Red Dragon Scale boots with phantom thread Coordinates: Nether ( x-368 z953 y 53( Description of Issue: I died in nether due to lag I was able to recover my toher items butdidnt just those too guess they got burned or I have no idea maybe dissapeared due to clelagg
  2. I dont know how do delete this someone do it Im so sorry
  3. No more need did a refund instead for only important items
  4. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: x1 Iced Dragon ice Sword -Sup.sharpness 5 -penetration 5 -adv mending -vampirism 2 -atomic desconstructor 2 -parry -unbreaking 3 -education 3 -critical strike 4 x1 diamond pickaxe (bought this from shop and the pickaxe was unbreakable) -eff 5 - fortune 3 x1 diamond axe x1 diamond shovel x1 dragon armor set emerald color and baubles enderman crown , bezoar , ring of regen , Coordinates: -306 -1575 63 Description of Issue: Just died cuz of a monster and my items dissapeared when I did back command they werent there and I would really like them back was much work to get them.I had my entire inventory with me and yea. Screenshots (Optional): Dont have ss cuz I didnt expect do die.sorry
  5. oh sorry forgot to say maybe they clearlagged
  6. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Coordinates: -306 -1575 63 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2:00am Madrid (GMT+1) Description of Issue: Just died cuz of a monster and my items dissapeared when I did back command they werent there and I would really like them back was much work to get them.I had my entire inventory with me and yea. Screenshots (Optional): Dont have ss cuz I didnt expect do die.
  7. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: Golem Chestplate - Advanced Mending / Advanced Protection 4 / Advanced Thorns 3 / Unbreaking 3 / Strenghtened Vitality 5 (it had that magic thing that made it invisible tho) Stone of Greater Inertia Shield Of Honor Coordinates: x -32 . z 248 Description of Issue: One of friend mine LichKing8217 was asking me to tpa to him , first time I didnt accept but he kept asking me to go over (to make it clear was tpa from him like he the request was x person asked u to tpa to them) when I accept tpa it seems that he lied and wasnt in a supposed ”safe location” He was in lost cities so I instantly died when my game loaded and lost some of my items with curse of poss I dont care about the items I can get back easily but I do care about the chestplate and the other baubles which for one I paid today 20K for it and I really want it back. Due to the circumstances I dont know what to say hope its enough to get those back at least the bauble since I paid a lot of money for it. Screenshots (Optional):
  8. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: 4 stacks of emeralds and 29 blocks of emeralds / 57 books / 8 battle burritos / 24 golden apples (normal ones) / some paper too like half stack not a lot I had more items but I dont remeber TOOLS AND WEAPONS Dragon Canteen Dragon Bone Pickaxe - mending / adv efficiency 5 / smelting / fortune 3 / curse of possesion / versatility / unbreaking 3 - Quality legendary Dragon Bone Shovel - / efficiency 5 / unbreaking 3 / adv mending - Quality legendary Flamed Dragon Spear - vampirism 2 / looting 3 / adv sharpness 1 / adv mending- Quality legendary BAUBLES Wrath Pendant - Menacing 8% AtkD / Undying Potion Ring of Regeneration - I dont remember / Graceful Scarlite Ring Violent 8% AtkS / I dont remember Shulker Heart - I dont remember / I dont remember Max level Toolbet - I dont remember / Undying ARMOR Golem Chestplate - Advanced Mending / Advanced Protection 4 / Advanced Thorns 3 / Unbreaking 3 / Strenghtened Vitality 5 Golem Pants - Advanced Mending / Advanced Protection 4 / Advanced Thorns 3 / Unbreaking 3 Coordinates: I dont have Description of Issue: I went to help someone to kill an ice dragon (tped to player) when I got to dragon he (dragon) one shot me I had the same armor Im posting ,I dont know how I got one shot because I even ate battle burrito and one shot me. Items dissapeared due to clearlagg when dragon killed me P.S : I used some items from my other refund request because Ive lost exactly the same items , some items got some more enchants since Ive anviled them during these days to be exact today them with other books, like in the case of the shovel and the Spear
  9. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: SPECIAL ITEMS - RAINBOW RUNE - 1 TOOLS AND WEAPONS Dragon Canteen Dragon Bone Pickaxe - mending / adv efficiency 5 / smelting / fortune 3 / curse of possesion / versatility / unbreaking 3 - Quality legendary Dragon Bone Axe - mending / adv efficiency 5 / versatility / fortune 3 / curse of possesion / unbreaking 3 - Quality legendary Dragon Bone Shovel - / efficiency 5 / unbreaking 3 - Quality legendary Flamed Dragon Spear - vampirism 2 / looting 3 / adv sharpness 1 - Quality legendary BAUBLES Wrath Pendant - Menacing 8% AtkD / Undying Ankh Shield - Menacing 8% AtkD / Graceful Potion Ring of Regeneration - I dont remember / Graceful Scarlite Ring Violent 8% AtkS / I dont remember Shulker Heart - I dont remember / I dont remember Max level Toolbet - I dont remember / Undying ARMOR Golem Chestplate - Advanced Mending / Advanced Protection 4 / Advanced Thorns 3 / Unbreaking 3 / Strenghtened Vitality 5 Golem Pants - Advanced Mending / Advanced Protection 4 / Advanced Thorns 3 / Unbreaking 3 Coordinates: 4205 -2415 Description of Issue: I got killed by player (Kaerln) and then my items where clearlagged right away. *I wanna say too that Kaerln told me items dissapeared in front of his eyes due to clearlagg* But atll this happened real quick .I prefered saying Ive got killed by player as it really happened cuz I dont want the person who reads this or makes the refund think that Ive lied about the curse of possesion. I think the guy weapon had an enchant that made me drop them or it bugged if not I dont have any other explanation. Screenshots (Optional): I have screenshot of weapon
  10. Okay then sorry Imma number the most important ones baubles: wrath pendant ankh shield potion ring of regeneration scarlite ring shulker heart max level toolbet items: dragon canteen 1 stack and half of bread -flamed dragonbone spear , vampirism 2 , looting 3 . adv sharpness 1 ( Im really sure about the looting one and ) like 2 stacks of emeralds dragon bone shovel efficiency 5 and unbreaking 3 dragon bone axe And I think thats most important I dont remember the other items I had Hope this is much better?
  11. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: my entire inventory unless the scythe ,pickaxe and golem pants and chestplate all those had curse of possesion tho I had (no golem helmet/boots) . So I only want my inventory and baubless . I really need my baubles back at least Coordinates: 3986 -2742 Description of Issue: I died I mean got killed by something and didnt get enough time to get back and pick my items. Screenshots (Optional):
  12. our Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: Black Dragon Egg - 1 Coordinates: 4018 -2712 Description of Issue: My egg randomly dissapeared and it didnt even hatch so if possible I would like it back .I think it got deleted because of clearlagg .I
  13. Your Name: FubukiTheIceBoy Item Name + Amount: Enchanted Golem Pants (Advanced Mending. Advanced Protection 4, unbreaking 3) Coordinates: 4169 , 69 , -2415 Description of Issue: I died in that place just did and when I came back just got time to picked some of my items but then Ive seen in front of my eyes how my pants dissapeared because of clearlagg , to be exactly if this helps they were are the window. And Ive done it really quick but didnt get the chance to pick my pants back Screenshots (Optional): Sorry I didnt do screenshots of my entire armor if this helps I have on what I got left from it https://im.ge/i/r4F29M But there you have the entire one missing just the pants Ive lost
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