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Bitshy's Achievements

  1. Sentient scythe: supreme sharp 5 piercing cap 4 adv looting swifter slashes viper 5 subject pe 5 pentetration 5 crit strike 4 sweeping edge 3 ed 3 purging blade 5 horse de combat 4 unbreaking 3 supreme aspect 2 upgraded potentials atomic decom lifesteal 2 parry true strike adv mending curse of possession vamp 2 Legendary reforge name: Sentient Scythe Sentient scythe: supreme sharp 5 piercing cap 4 adv looting swifter slashes viper 5 subject pe 5 pentetration 5 crit strike 4 sweeping edge 3 ed 3 purging blade 5 horse de combat 4 unbreaking 3 supreme aspect 2 upgraded potentials atomic decom lifesteal 2 parry true strike adv mending curse of possession vamp 2 Legendary reforge name: Sentient Scythe Item Name + ID + Amount: Base Coordinates: -986 68 -561 Description of Issue: Scythe Magically disapeared AGAIN Idk why its doing this whenever i hit a mob
  2. Sentient scythe: supreme sharp 5 piercing cap 4 adv looting swifter slashes viper 5 subject pe 5 pentetration 5 crit strike 4 sweeping edge 3 ed 3 purging blade 5 horse de combat 4 unbreaking 3 supreme aspect 2 upgraded potentials atomic decom lifesteal 2 parry true strike adv mending curse of possession vamp 2 Legendary reforge name: Pov: you dont exist Sentient scythe: supreme sharp 5 piercing cap 4 adv looting swifter slashes viper 5 subject pe 5 pentetration 5 crit strike 4 sweeping edge 3 ed 3 purging blade 5 horse de combat 4 unbreaking 3 supreme aspect 2 upgraded potentials atomic decom lifesteal 2 parry true strike adv mending curse of possession vamp 2 Legendary reforge name: Sentient Scythe Item Name + ID + Amount: Base Coordinates: -986 68 -561 Description of Issue: Scythe(s) magically disapeared during a fight
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