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  1. TAMT145 Draconic Reactor Coordinates: -6503 110 -4558 Description of Issue: When the update happened. my Draconic reactor blew up.
  2. i need it fixed because all my stuff was in the ME system
  3. TAMT145 all of my ME drives (including all the stuff in it) Coordinates: -6493 51 -4587 Description of Issue: my ME drvies are gone. including all my stuff in them. i need a server rollback or something. i had so much stuff in it. im basically back to square one if its not fixed asap (The rollback wasnt far enough apparently ) i think it was around 04/07/2022 or later.
  4. TAMT145 all of my ME drives (including all the stuff in it) Coordinates: 6493 51 -4587 Description of Issue: my ME drvies are gone. including all my stuff in them. i need a server rollback or something. i had so much stuff in it. im basically back to square one if its not fixed asap
  5. if not try 17:14
  6. around 17:40
  7. TAMT145 Mjolnir (again) (it was fully enchanted with Capturing VII, Beheading VI, looting IV, Venom III, Reaper XI) Coordinates: -6502 50 -4585 i was throwing mjolnir at a wither skeleton and the server crashed and i lost mjolnir.
  8. the other one was in the wrong place. for some reason i couldnt delete it
  9. TAMT145 Mjollnir (That annoying and expensive hammer) -6496 50 -4582 Server restart deleted Mjollnir from my inv
  10. TAMT145 Creative jetpack -6496 50 -4582 Server restart deleted my creative jetpack from my inv. Screenshot
  11. TAMT145 Creative jetpack -6496 50 -4582 Server restart deleted my creative jetpack from my inv. Screenshot
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