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GENER_AL2 last won the day on July 6 2024

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  1. I've been away for a few days, but on Thursdaaay i hooked up a magmatic engine thing to the block that produces hydrogen and oxygen from water and at that time the server crashed. It was late so i never got chance to see if it was that what caused the issue. But since its happening since i've not been on, im guessing its not me. Ps. Currently on now and its not crashed
  2. As the title says. Because the server doesn't let you 'plaace' sticks there are several mobs that can't be used properly including Ars Nouveau and Pedestals. Please can this be rectified as im not aable to progress with certaain mods.
  3. Seems to have rnadomly fixed itself. Weird.
  4. Good Morning. I would like report an issue with RFTools Dimensions. When ever i try to enter a dimension i get the message: 'Region data for WorldGuaard failed to load for this world, so everything has been protected as a precaution. Please inform a server administrator'. This measn as soon as i go into a world I cant open the door or break any blocks, in other words I cant do anything in the world i've created. please help with this issue.
  5. Your Name: GENER_AL Item Name + Amount: 1 x Energetic Angel Ring, 1 x Heart Amulet Coordinates (format x, y, z): Death Coords are: Twilight Realm 6924 25 -1106 Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: No death tablet, not sure what that is. Description of Issue: Due to the lag issue I mentioned previously in another post I died to a wraith during a lag spike. I went back killed the wraith and opened my grave. There was another lag spike and a number of my grave items disappeared right in front of me before i managed to pick them up. Screenshots (Optional): Don't have a screenshot. I lost more than what i've stated however the items I'm most bothered about is the Energetic Angel Ring.
  6. Good Afternoon. Recently the server has been quite slow and sluggish. Especially in the spawn area where it sometimes take up to 3 minutes just to load in after doing /spawn to teleport there. Once it does load in its very juttery and choppy. It may be worth looking into why as it was fine before.
  7. Good Evening. MINING GADGETS BUG I would like to report a Bug with Mining Gadgets; Mining Gadget MK3. I have created one of these items with the upgrades: Light Placer, Fortune Tier 3, Efficiency Tier 5 and Upgrade: Battery Tier 3. When i use the mining gadget, items break but do not appear in my inventory, they just seem to vanish as they do not drop to the floor either. Can this please be looked into as I have missed out on many mined items before i noticed this issue. PEDESTALS BUG Unable to create the upgrade tool in the Pedestals mod. When the item is trying to be made the message: 'mesage You cannot place sticks!' appears. This prevents any progression in the mod. Thanks in advance.
  8. Still having this issue. I even get the e-mal confirmation of the order, but no in-game items.
  9. Hi all. I would just like to report an issue with the daily rewards on the 1.20.1 Direwolf20 server. I have claimed daily rewards for the past 5ish days. The server says '[Broadcast] GENER_AL claimed their daily reward! Check available rewards with /rewards'. However I dont recieve any of the reward items or money. Just wanted to let the team know so they can fix this issue. Thanks!
  10. Same for me. Is Brunny aware?
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