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Everything posted by void8214

  1. yeah wait wiped like it got reset?
  2. no no no i mean ALL my stuff was gone and i had nothing only starter items on me
  3. bruh i lost all my stuff i has bc i was not on for a few months what do i do
  4. i guess not but will it happen again if it's in my bag when i go on trips
  5. ummmmm did you find out what happed to the stuff in the shulker boxes? bc it was all gone when the server restarted
  6. what data?
  7. how do i do that?
  8. well the server did restart when i gone to get the item and then they all gone
  9. well i was going on a trip then i forgot something in my base then i opened my shulker boxs ans the stuff is gone
  10. In order for our and your convenience, please copy paste this template and fill in the information when making your rollback request topic. For your topic name, use [Rollback Request]*YourName* Your Name:void8214 Server Name (AC, PureSurvival, etc.): mc eternal Inventory Rollback or Claim Rollback: 10 shulkers boxs of items Coordiantes: -4547 -640 59 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 7 or 8 pm Description of Issue: when i left the chunk my stuff was gone idk why Screenshots (Optional):
  11. i already delete it form curseforge and reinstalled it and that did not work so i hope this works
  12. i am using curseforge and the logs is it the crash logs? if it is then here crash-2022-08-15_01.26.33-client.txt
  13. i keep crashing in mc eternal and it says it bc of the building gadgets mod and i can't even get in the server so what do i do?
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