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Wheenchrue2's Achievements

  1. He cant create account, because he cant use captcha. He writed, I Just did copy and paste
  2. I made this request for friend
  3. Your Name: Ljuki420 Coordinates: X1998 Y64 Z-2993 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine):7:00Pm/GMT+2/22.09.2022 Description of Issue: I died from the wizard and when I tried to open the tomb there was a lag and the wizard killed me again and the tomb just disappeared and I lost all my items.
  4. Your Name: Wheenchrue Item Name + ID + Amount: 1x Dragon egg red (you can give me Gray or bronze) Base coordinates: x: 1996 z:-3004 y:60 Description of Issue: server restart, I wanted to hatch dragon egg and suddenly restart came, after this there wasnt the dragon egg. I lost red dragon egg, but if you can you can give me Gray or bronze dragon egg, thank you! Screenshots (Optional):
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