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Everything posted by Easy2005

  1. It worked, thanks
  2. Always when i try to join the server i get this message: Can someone please help me?
  3. No, I just get damage. I'm already pretty much endgame but even if I take the armor off the damage is just minimal so that I don't die from it. It's just really annoying to get damage the whole time every three seconds or so.
  4. Hello, I was longer not on the server, but now that I've come back, I'm continuously getting damage and don't know from where. The Blood Magic mod isn't it. I really don't know what the problem is, which is why I wanted to ask if someone could help me. It's really annoying, and I can't really play because of it.
  5. Is there a way to build a mobfarm in the Modpack, from what I can see normal mob spawns are disabled, for animaly as well, so I wanted to ask just to make sure, are mobs disabled and if not how to build a mobfarm so that mobs will actually spawn?
  6. No, it was for Stoneblock 3. I don't play Stoneblock 2 anymore and just bought it for Stoneblock 3.
  7. Hi Bummer3, It would be enough if I could just get the keys back since I bought a Mystic Crate Key Bundle and a Large Crate Key Bundle. If you would just give me the keys back then I would open the chests again, since I don't remember what I got from them anymore. I hope that is possible. I hope I get the 6 Mystical Crate Keys, 24 Legendary Crate Keys, and 56 Vote Crate Keys.
  8. Your Name: Easy2023 Coordinates: 0.393 / 0.0000 / 0.692 Time/Date + Timezone (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 26.12.2023 at 16:10 pm German time Description of Issue: I had Crate Keys but i didnt create my cave before, so when I created my cave, I lost all the keys and stuff that I had. I had also just bought key bundles before so I lost all that also, so it would be really good if I could get them back.
  9. I got hacked and am trying to get my stuff back my old account was Easy2005 and I hope someone can help me get my chunk loaders, balance, and island rights back. My new account name is Easy2023. I really appreciate any help you can provide.
  10. I looked at the rewards and it wasn´t there. So I think that it probably is then a problem with the rewards, maybe it got removed? XD
  11. Why is there a Mystic Crate at the spawn but you can´t even get Mystic Crate keys? Can someone explain it to me? I don't understand why and want to know if it should be like that or not.
  12. I clicked on the grave and when I looked again it was gone. I couldn´t break it to get the philosophers Stone and would like to ask if I could still get one. I hope it gets fixed soon.
  13. In-game Name: Easy2005 Package: Premium + Current Server: Sky Factory 4 New Server: Project Ozone 3
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