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  1. username joshua_harlan and nothing just every time i get a java connection error
  2. Every time i try to join a short time later i get kicked for no reason.
  3. it says server starting every time i try to join craftersland it thinks the server is restarting so i tried the unstuck still did not work.
  4. my mob learner disappeared out of my off hand when i tried taking it out of my off hand. but i don't have a photo . 1 mob learner . -7429 66 46341
  5. When the server restarts the glitch armor bugs out and i cant fly when the server comes back.
  6. i cant join back in to my plot and i got to spawn but i need to be in my plot to craft and do stuff.
  7. every time i join skyfactory 4 then go to crafters land it crashes when i get in
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