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Everything posted by coreygill1

  1. Your Name: coreygill1 Island Owner Name: coreygill1 Coordiantes: 448,36,310 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): around October November Description of Issue: so i stopped playing a few months ago. i cant remeber the exscat date. my computer had a bad hhd back in jan. I had to reset everything. last time i know everthing was alright was around October, November area. I work away from home so sometimes it hard for me to get on. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/eZIFDP5 https://imgur.com/Xz5ba2l https://imgur.com/RKZaCXe https://imgur.com/ceikEJW https://imgur.com/JOyvhSP https://imgur.com/H50XHYj https://imgur.com/6Mii71m https://imgur.com/GnsQr33
  2. posted in wrong spot i think
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