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Everything posted by B9a9s9

  1. Your Name: b9a9s9 Item Name + Amount: 1x Diamond backpack(sohpisticated backpacks) with feeding upgrade Tinkers Hammer Tinkers Mattock Tinkers Pickaxe Tinkers Cleaver See screenshot for tinkers tools. Coordinates: 181, 68, 268 Description of Issue: a bunch of wither minions spawned at spawn and killed me (and a couple other players). Because of spawn protection, i can't break my grave and thus not retrieve my items. (also, the spawn is now full with graves) Screenshots (Optional):
  2. @sreny Oh sorry! I have eddited the post
  3. Your Name: B9a9s9 Item Name + Amount: - 44 x Reactor casing (basic) - 36 x Reactor glass (basic) - 1 x Reactor controller (basic) - 6 x Reactor control rod (basic) - 18 x Reactor fuel rod (basic) - 1 x Reactor solid acces port (basic) - 1 x Reactor active forge energy power tap (basic) - 1 x Builder (from FFToolsBuilder) - 1 x Shape card: clearing fortune quarry - 1 x Diamond chest Coordinates: 5332, 64, 3305 (in the mining dimension with the block there) Coordinates inside mining dimension: 5326, 69, 3295 Description of Issue: The mining dimension got completely reset seemingly on every server restart with my Extreme Reactor and builder there. I hope to get my reactor back so i can build it in the overworld dimension. Date: 02-11-2022 Time: 18:00 Let me know if i need to provide more information. Thanks in advance!
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