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ArmunsseN's Achievements

  1. Your Name: ArmunsseN Item Name + ID + Amount: infinity drill tier Legendary x1 with 750 000 000 energy RF and just refuelled (1000 buckets) Coordinates: XYZ: 1196.700 / 64.00000 / 3929.596 (inside energetic infuser) Description of Issue: After refuelling it, i was putting the infinity drill in the energetic infuser, and unfortunately i dont see the server shuting down When i login, the drill has diseappear, its a pity ( 3 weeks charging it to get Legendary tier ). GMT Time +/- 6.30 pm Thank you for your help, regars, ArmunsseN . Screenshots (Optional):
  2. i wil try that , TY answering me best regards.
  3. Hello Nieeek & Staff, id like to craft some Quantum Entangled Singularity (Applied Energistics), to create subdomains and make them communicating i got singularity, stone grinded ender pearl dust, but TNT wont explode in the world, any suggestion please, thank you, regards.
  4. Your Name: ArmunsseN Item Name + Amount: 1 quarry 1 ultimate solar panel (win at /vote chest) 1 enderchest 1 diamond chest 1 energy bridge EU to RF (3blocks; consumer bridge, producer) 3 Black hole unit (cobble stone, dirt and gravel) 3 retrivers (1 signalum, 2 resonant) 1 servo +/- 8 items tubes (dont remind if they are glowstone energized or not, as i update them recently) Coordinates: Aroma mining dimension: around 1175,70,3494 Description of Issue: After the regular "server reboot" i log in and got this message, when i come in Aroma mining dimention to check some, Portal still usable, but all diseppaer, stuff and quarry holes ... ! Screenshots (Optional): I would like to thank here Nieeek who was very responsive to give me solutions. Thank you to the team and staff.
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