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  1. if someone can resolve this soon that would be great. id like to play as soon as its fixed
  2. Your Name: TTazzaTT Coordinates: x 1599 y 58 z 4760 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 21:00 GMT 11/11/22 Description of Issue: so basically i been trying to join back on the direwolf20 1.18 server for 2 hours and it kept timing me out but when i did finally get on my inventory was reset and ive lost all my items Screenshots (Optional):
  3. Your Name: TTazzaTT Item Name + Amount: Shulker that had 1x ME Controller 1x ME Crafting Terminal 1x 16k ME Storage cell 32x Fluix glass Cable 1x ME Drive there was some other stuff but i dont remember what Coordinates: x 1599 y 58 z 4760 Description of Issue: i placed the shulker containing the items down right as the server timed out and when i was able to get back on the server after 5-10 min the shulker was gone from inventory and where i had it to Screenshots (Optional):
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