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Everything posted by EvilCashew2

  1. Your Name: EvilCash3w83008 Claim Owner Name: n/a Coordinates: n/a Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): May 20th, 2024 8:10pm EDT Description of Issue: Went to lost cities, RTP'd, went into building and died instantly. Tried to go back, died instantly repetitively to a grunt. Please roll back to 8:10pm (Toronto/New york time (EDT)) at the coordinates x:645 | z:5451 (AdmSirRed's claim) in the overworld.
  2. oh how do i do that
  3. Hi, in claims i have realized that grappling hooks do not spawn, and whenever you try to use them they still use durability. please enable the grappling hooks in claims, it is very annoying to have to walk Sincerely, Evilcashew83008
  4. Your Name: EvilCashew83008 Coordinates: some guy named Orpheus’s new base Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 5:39pm dec 25th est Description of Issue: Killed out of nowhere In whilst in creative mode by person not on server list? Screenshots (Optional):
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