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KiwiArmy's Achievements

  1. restart your game and launcher and try again
  2. Your Name: KiwiArmy Item Name + ID + Amount: 14 vote crate keys Base Coordinates: 2150, 126, 64 Description of Issue: Trombson spawn killed me and stole all the rewards i was claiming. he already gave back the gold but handed me regular tripwire hooks instead of the vote keys. Screenshots (Optional):
  3. is there any way we could get a new spawn area or vote for a new one? the current one is good and all but i feel like it could use a bigger shop and a more open layout with maybe a tutorial area for new or returning players to explain how the claim system works and some of the rlcraft mechanics. if at all possible there could even be a competition to see who could make the best possible spawn area.
  4. Your Name: KiwiArmy Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 legendary vote key, 1 neptunium helmet 4115, 1 neptunium leggins 4117, 1 neptunium boot 4118, 32 iron ingot 0265 Base Coordinates: 2150, 126, 64 Description of Issue: potato killing in spawn causing me to lose vote rewards from the vote party Screenshots (Optional):
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