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Posts posted by Whyskas

  1. Your Name: Whyskas
    Claim Name: Whyskas's party 
    Coordinates: X: 1304, Z: 275
    Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 7am/GMT-6/23-february-2023 (Maybe later, but don't have an exact time)
    Description of Issue: After compact machines were reset and without knowing modular routers was a better way to wirelessly charge laser drills, I used a lot of entangled blocks and placed them in my base instead of in a compact machine. I'm guessing that when I log in inside my base, trying to load all entangled blocks at once crashes the server.

  2. When time I log in for the first time in the day, my inventory is completely empty, has happened yesterday and today. I'm not sure what could be causing that, just inventory is empty, I still have the health, hunger and xp I had the last day.

    Already lost an RFtools builder quarry, some mekanisk MekaSuir armor and some other stuff.

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