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glidingspider's Achievements

  1. Your Name: glidingspider Coordiantes: chest: 6316 62 12138 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 2023-04-17 11:50 Description of Issue: I sorted an inventory and everything in it was replaced with other items, the old items are no longer in my Integrated Dynamics network. (The chest previously had high-quantity items mixed with some random items before, I was in the process of sorting them out) Screenshots (Optional): After I sorted with middle click the inventory looked like this, but with a max stack size of 64 on each item filling the chest, despite the upgrades. Pressing the top right inventory sort button condensed them into what you see here.
  2. Username: glidingspider I tried to pick up a pnumatic door with the carry on mod (Shift right click with an empty hand on block entities or small mobs to pick them up) It worked the first time, but I accidently clicked the other half of the door and it won't let me put it down. The mod provides a command `/carryon clear` but this command is restricted. Wolf Raven attempted to assist, but was unable to run the command.
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