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VDL1's Achievements

  1. Its okay i made a new one already not a big deal
  2. Your Name: VDL1 Item Name + Amount: Meka-tool 1 Excavation escalation unit 4 Attack amplification unit 4 MekaSuit helmet MekaSuit Armor MekaSuit Pants MekaSuit Boots Nutritional Injection unit 1 Jetpack unit 1 Locomotive Boosting unit 4 Digital miner Ancient debris ~600 Advanced Charged porter. And other smaller things but they are not so important. Coordinates: Dont really know exactly,teleported home from nether with advanced charged porter before that I was mining ancient debris with digital miner used the porter and i just died in some kind of black dimension map doesnt even show my death location... Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional): https://ibb.co/0Qh5v34
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