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Everything posted by DisasterBD

  1. The one who robbed me came back. now he panted cursed earth all around my base...PLEASE HELP
  2. last weekend someone stole my reactor, all of my botania stuff (20 endoflames and the elvengate) and my voidminer. yes, its partly my own fault. i forgot to claim my new land. i play everyday and put rel money in this game. please help me somehow. i´m desperate and i will play....but now i have to grind 70 hours to get to the point i was. please help
  3. problem solved xD...i just loaded the jetpack.
  4. hi...i´m playing on this server for a while now. i spent mioney on crate key and won a jetpack. but after i put a battery in my pockets, the jetpack is broken. i need help
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