Your Name: EvlCreeperReaper
Claim Leaders Name: hiddencreaper
Coordinates of claim (use format xyz) : Claim 1: X 2784, Y 50, Z 885, Claim 2: X 2778, Y 63, Z 828, Claim 3: X 2775 Y 74 Z 963
Claim members: N/A (just hiddencreaper)
Reason for request: This player was banned for harassment (rule 5) yesterday, June 20. He griefed the entire portion of my base I was not able to claim, and claimed land in multiple different chunks in the middle of my base (I have a few claims of his I really could use removed). So, the claims are preventing me from fixing the damage and building in my base. Also, there may be other claims around this area owned by ZRGaming; these are okay, he was helping me claim some of the land while I was being griefed. Thank you!
Server: Tekkit 2
Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended):
Running /seen hiddencreaper:
The first claim:
The second claim:
The third claim: