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Everything posted by lava_king991

  1. what
  2. i got banned untill today 18:58 but i thought it was the very start of the day. if its possable can u change it back like 3-4 hours if possible if you cant its not a problem. lava.
  3. i was banned while offline
  4. i deleted it after i found out what it does
  5. i have never hacked in my life i may have autoclickers but i dont use it on minecraft you can ask my friend fnost as he didnt see me hacking at all while playing
  6. my friend gave me a mod that has texture swapping but it was a hacking client and he turned on 1 of the cheats and i got banned for a few days. i didnt know that it was a hacking client. please unban me. lava.
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