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Defu's Achievements

  1. Hello, im Defu95, people also know me as "Defu" Making this suggestion to revamp vote/legendary/mystic crates since some rewards, their value, their accessability seem outbalanced and some stuff dont even make sense. I played this modpack for years and i know all abouth how easy or hard it is to access certain things. This includes in this server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vote Crates (wich should support ur everyday needs, cuz how much in bulk we get keys): Things to remove: Nether Star, Miners ring, Ghast tears, Enderstaff, summoning staffs. Things to add: Scarlite ring, XP bottles(8), Ice armor Legendary Crates (not quite common, can get only 1-3 keys per day depending on how much ppl vote and how much u vote) Things to remove: XP supply, Netpunium sword, Obsidian skull, Cross necklace, Scarlite ring, Dragon bones, Archeologist hat, Ravanging ingots. Things to add: Nether star (12) Things to balance: 128 bones into 64 bones, enchanted medkit bundle from 5 to 1, no bandages PLS Mystic crate (currently way to hard to obtain key for so little reward or none at all) Things to remove: 8 legendary key bundle, 32 Vote key bundle, 39 vote key bundle, 22 Vote key bundle, 2500$ cash bundle Things to add: Antidote Vessel, Feral Claws, Mechanical Glove, Magma stone Things to balance: Ankh shield/charm bundle should make a bundle of Cobalt Shield/Obsidian skull/Ankh charm I can explain all of the reason why i would suggest the change. Currently its so easy to make a Regeneration potion ring out of all the mats u get from vote crate, hence why the switch of nether star and scarlite ring so make a game a bit more challangeing atleast it early mid game, so not go give people opportunity to feel invicible in day one by just voting a bit. We have no need of ender staffs, summons staffs. Ender staff is like giving a brand new car to drive and let 5 year old use it, causing so many deaths and accidents happen daily and every hour. Summoning staff are just pointless to have at all, since u cant summon anything until ur late game already. rendering them out meta. Miners rings has no point to having it. XP bottle in a legendary crate wich is alrdy easy to gain from any kind of structure. killing some few mobs alrdy gains u enough of the amount u can gain from 32 bottles. Battle towers give plenty of them alrdy. We dont need obsidian skull there, it simply dosent give anything at all, meta is either 0% fire resistance or 100% resistance, 50% provides nothing at all. Cross neckalce u can find to much in everywhere in the structures. Archeologist hat dosent work in rlcraft, so its basically same as having iron helm. Ravanging ingots have no use for anything in current meta of rlcraft. Having ppl experience. Mystic crates are bit wierd ones, while mystic key is so rare to get, maybe u get 1 every 2 weeks or something, with currently when legendary has so many items in its roll that u barely ever get mystic crate, makes items from mystic chest way to desireable to get. Hence why id like to remove 3 bundles from it. Having 2.5k is pointless when legendary crate alrdy have 2k bundle. Getting the worth of legendary key from a mystic key is just a dissapointment and lose a player. 39 vote keys, do u wanna burn out and make ppl deaf with the rolling sound, it takes abouth 10 minutes to use 39 vote keys ... wich dosent even give anything for a player that is already at mid/late game. Dont make player buy a mystic key just to get vote keys and get nothing from it, u lose a client, Remove all vote keys from mystic chest, we dont need to go through all the horror or doing vote keys again wich take forever to use. Things to add section is a bit wierd, while i know that mimic items should be rare and still stay mimic loot only, thats only a suggestion, but these 3 items are rare enough to aid a player with their adventure. Ankh Shield bundle should be reworked into a version where person can choose, do they want it as ankh charm or ankh shield, hence why cobalt shield and obsidian shield be in there. This all fix issues and help ppl even vote more or buy more, to make them feel getting atleast rewarded for either playing alot for effort or buying. Mystic chest feels totaly a gacha chest wich is to expensive for 90% of it being nothing or just dissapointment.
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