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Poxteriaa's Achievements

  1. Also please try to avoid other people's claims when rolling back, i live near only a couple people but id like to avoid having their progress reset. Thanks!
  2. Your Name: Poxteriaa Coordinates: 3798 79 -3426 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 1:00AM EST 11/21/2023 Description of Issue: A user named SuperStigTT griefed a major portion of my claim with water and lava last night, filling it and a major part of the surrounding area with obsidian, stone, and cobblestone. Also wrote the word "Cunt" with lamps way up in the sky. I contacted mod TheBigDigga for help, and he tried to worldedit the cobble, lava, stone and obsidian away but it didnt work that well. He told me to make a post here to request that my claim and the land surrounding it be rolled back to a point where it wasnt griefed. Thank you for your time! PS: I tried to upload screenshots but it wont let me, feel free to dm me on discord #Pox8327 and ill send them to whoever messages me Screenshots (Optional):
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