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  1. @Bummer3 issue has been resolved! I think this thread can be closed
  2. Your Name: SirC4LV1N Cave Owner Name: SirC4LV1N Coordinates: 0,0,0 Dimension Name: ftbsbc:team/waddies-latched-pinions Screenshots (Optional): Just want to start a new, empty journey, from the beginning if possible
  3. Its Biggestbuilder (i also send a discord ticket)
  4. Like the title says i cannot join the StoneBlock3 Server using the IP. I already checked the text for some hidden space characteres but nope. All i get is >See attached Image< after a while when trying to join the Server. Modpack version is 1.9.0 MC Version is 1.18.2
  5. I noticed that in my Mob farm using dreadful dirt, when a slime spawns (big or medium) and they get killed, they can spawn more big, medium and small slimes, making that a endless rodeo of killing slimes, hoping they dont spawn more and more and more of them. This comes from the mod Champions. And if thats not bad enough those mobs can be empowered too. If possible disable slime splits of normal and magma slimes or disable the mobs somehow. Server: Stoneblock3
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