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  1. In-Game Nickname: McZenny102 Time and date: ~6:47 MST 12/29 Description of what happened: lambofarm5150 came into the temperature room in spawn and killed me unprovoked (of course) as I was trying to report someone else for killing me in spawn Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/TjPgQNj List of eyewitnesses: None SS should be evidence
  2. In-Game Nickname: lambofarm5150 Time and date: ~7:00 MST 12/29 Description of what happened: lambofarm5150 came into the temperature room in spawn and killed me // Later showing no remorse and knowing what he did by bragging that he can always BUY an unban. This behavior is unacceptable and should be a perma ban! // furthermore Ill add this to this post again him tping to another player and killing them on their claim Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/Fam9SL3 https://imgur.com/a/VV1lsRS https://imgur.com/a/SMCrRzQ List of eyewitnesses: JackKennedy1987
  3. My name: NekoLover413 In-Game Nickname: lambofarm5150 Time and date: ~6:40 MST 12/25 Description of what happened: lambofarm5150 came to me in spawn and killed me Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/NDoaOOw List of eyewitnesses: Toxiczombie1987
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