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Everything posted by MaKnight

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  2. Username: MaKnight Details: I am a semi-longtime player on the RLC server, and what happened was that I was (ultimately) banned for moving around spawn tags with my pet Roc while trying to pick up my friends at spawn. Kaszanka_1234 told me that he could ban me whenever he felt like after spawn was rerolled (he gave me a second chance). Two weeks later, I was jailed by helper Hir0BombiDas with players EnderHil and Astralry for harassment charges filed by void580. Kaszanska_1234 logged on, and seeing me jailed, decided to go through with the long-due ban for spawn griefing. Ban Category: Spawn Griefing Ban Duration: Permanent Staff Member: Kaszanska_1234 Evidence/Screenshots: Unfortunately, I am in possession of no screenshots. The only evidence that I have is to ask the people reviewing this ban appeal to please revisit the chat logs in game, as well as the RLC discord chat. Reason: I ask that you keep in mind my initial actions in griefing spawn were accidental (I did not know it was possible to pick up these tags beforehand) and were done in what was supposed to be a joking fashion to people I know. I understand that the grounds for this ban are justified and accept that I committed wrongdoing which led to my ban from the server--I do not dispute the fact that I broke rules. In regards to the harassment complaint filed against me, I did not participate in the harassment and was present only as a spectator (EnderHil, void580, Astralry can and have testified this as well). Many people on the staff may have the impression that I break rules for fun or with malicious intent, but I do so with as much flippant and facetious manner as possible (I was ultimately forgiven by those who either filed the ticket in the first place or those who lost items from it, many of them being some of the people who felt the punishment dealt against me in this case was too harsh). I feel as though 1) I did not throw away the second chance that was given to me (as I was jailed of harassment by extension but did not involve myself in it) and 2) the duration of ban was too harsh, as moving spawn tags should not have been possible in the first place had proper plugins been put in place to prevent accidental tag displacement (just as spawn is claimed to prevent block breaking and KeepInventory exists for spawn deaths). I am willing to accept responsibility on my part by accepting some element of punishment, but a permanent ban seems too long, even if rules are rules.
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