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Everything posted by Der_derp2164147

  1. Your Name: Der_derp2164147 Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 Dragon Egg (#4459/0) Blue 1 Dragon Egg (#4461/0) Sapphire Base Coordinates: -526,64,-3857 Description of Issue: Sorry to bother you, I tried to hatch blue ice dragon egg but it vanished, and I bought sapphire one off market and tried again, but it also disappeared. I did not leave my base and the server did not restart. Screenshots (Optional): Sorry I only have a screenshot of the first egg, I forgot to take one of the sapphire egg I bought cause i'm dumb xD. https://imgur.com/a/ZXUnDGK
  2. Your Name: Der_derp2164147 Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 Neptunium Sword (#4114) 28 diamonds (#0264) 1 Dragon Scale Helmet (#4579) (grey) 1 Dragon Scale Boots (#4582) (grey) Protection III 1 Dragon Bone Nunchaku (#6117) 1 Cross Necklace (#4240) 1 bezoar (#4220) (Undying) 1 Ring of Enchanted Eyes (#5343) Base Coordinates: -526,64,-3857 Description of Issue: I lost all my gear because a player killed me at spawn right after a vote party. Players name was LiLiLLLi (reversed capitalization) and several others were killed as well. I don't remember all the enchantments on my armor but that is not as important. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/zGBrqVP
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