Account Name: Syriical
Rank: Sponsor
Requested Commands: World Edit, Shop Sign, God, Speed.
Reason for Request*: World Edit - I'm making a town on the server as I want to focus on a more communal approach that has more interaction between players. World edit allows me to get it to a reasonably good area in a shorter amount of time.
Shop Sign - Even if it's like the spawn one, this is probably the most important one too me, the idea of being able to set up shops in the town gives people an incentive to want to move to the town and build/create together. This also allows me to sell things like creatures as pets through mob imprisonment tools while showing a physical representation of them in person, among other things possible. It would also have the added benefit of not needing to be online all the time for people to buy these things. (Being from Australia my times are usually quiet times for the server.)
God - Mobs are annoying when trying to work on something in a dark area, Don't want to stay in GM 1 as it marks inventory items as spawned in and would still like a bit of the grind instead of infinite items.
Speed - I like to get around quick. But like to vary armor that I wear.
P.S - Happy to compromise with things if needed.