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Kenobicraft1's Achievements

  1. Your Name: Kenobicraft1 Coordinates: X 3807 Z -3335 Y 68 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:53 PM 5/6/24 Description of Issue: a dangerous creep killed me and my grawe was on somebody's private territory. I got some expensive loot and that's why I'm asking here for help Screenshots (Optional): https://ibb.co/brf5VBZ https://ibb.co/YPrML2p https://ibb.co/K9yJwrZ https://ibb.co/KKHP53H
  2. Sorry, I probably place this request in the wrong branch. it must be related to Gt New Horizons. If it is wrong, please close this topic
  3. Your Name: Kenobicraft1 Coordinates: X 3807 Z -3335 Y 68 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:53 PM 5/6/24 Description of Issue: a dangerous creep killed me and my grawe was on somebody's private territory. I got some expensive loot and that's why I'm asking here for help Screenshots (Optional): https://ibb.co/brf5VBZ https://ibb.co/YPrML2p https://ibb.co/K9yJwrZ https://ibb.co/KKHP53H
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