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Eiai_Nano last won the day on July 18 2024

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  1. InfinityEvolved sry i keep posting in the wrong forum
  2. Your Name: Eiai_Nano Coordiantes: x: -2951 y:63,000 z:-8552) Time/Date : 01:50 GMT+1 20/06/2024 Town Name:pizza2 Description of Issue: My chest got wiped out, someone in the server said that my items vanish because i had a smeltery in the same chunk. Screenshots (Optional): https://gyazo.com/0d0253b4dc3ac1f69216f99acc485a6a
  3. Your Name: Eiai_Nano Coordiantes: x: -2951 y:63,000 z:-8552) Time/Date : 01:50 GMT+1 20/06/2024 Town Name:pizza2 Description of Issue: My chest got wiped out, someone in the server said that my items vanish because i had a smeltery in the same chunk. Screenshots (Optional): https://gyazo.com/0d0253b4dc3ac1f69216f99acc485a6a
  4. sry i didn't see that, i got the link from discord
  5. did u rollback?
  6. My specific issue is that most of the items in my chests just vanish. (forgot to put the issue sry)
  7. Your Name: Eiai_Nano Coordiantes: x: -2951 y:63,000 z:-8552) Time/Date : 01:50 GMT+1 20/06/2024 Description of Issue: Someone in the chat said that my town bugged because i have smeltery and chest in the same chunk, i didnt know about that bug (the town name is pizza2) Screenshots (Optional): https://gyazo.com/0d0253b4dc3ac1f69216f99acc485a6a Modpack:infinity evolved
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