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b0nksss last won the day on November 24 2024

b0nksss had the most liked content!

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  1. User: TG_GAMINGG Time: 16:12, 11/24/2024 TG_GAMINGG, who has been repeatedly trying to kill me and steal my items, killed me at spawn when there was a vote party. All I was trying to do was open crates. By some grace of God I saved my items. This is the link to the clip, it wont let me upload for whatever reason: https://imgur.com/a/EbsYC3n
  2. Users: Travobot99, NamPerv1234 12:30 11/24/2024 Me (b0nkss) and my friend olicrm were in the end with the intention to kill the Ender Dragon. We did not have the xp required to place the end crystals to summon the dragon, so olicrm's friend, YWT_IS_EXCELLENT, tpa'ed to me in order to place the crystals. Travobot then sent a tpa to YWT, who accepted it and as soon as the tpa was accepted, Travobot killed me and olicrm and stole our loot. Travo then tped his friend NamPerv1234 and they repeatedly killed us while we were trying to reclaim our items. Travo then tried to blackmail TG_GAMINGG into giving his stuff back with the threat of withholding our items unless TG returned Travo's items to him which is kind of weird. Anyway i'm not sure if any of this breaks the rules but I would be appreciative of any help. Thanks!
  3. b0nksss


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