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  1. I had the wrong date. Febuary 13th should be the correct date. I'm sorry for the confusion
  2. Posting the template as a standard. More elaboration into the issue after. Your Name: NovaExDeus Coordinates: 178, -72, 2783 Time/Date + Timezone (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1:00 a.m. (I think) Febuary 16th, 2025. Central Standard Time. Description of Issue: Couple of Issues. Lost a large chunk of my inventory and I'm not sure how. Had a "Rare Backpack" with all of my important stuff just disappear from the 9th slot on my hotbar where I always keep it. Checked everywhere and it never came up even with the "Y" search function. My other issue is that the mother silverfish farm doesn't seem to work. My Drygmy charm keeps disappearing from my attempt at a farm. I've made 2 and lost both to the glitch. The drygmy dies in front of my face from something then the charm is gone before it hits the ground. Could you replace the charm for me? I've killed the mother silverfish 9 times trying to get the farm to work.
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