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Everything posted by Condoriano42

  1. It's ridiculous to think that starting the server over from scratch is going to somehow motivate players to do something they could already be doing. Yeah maybe a few people come back for a week or two and then they'll get bored and stop playing again. All the server wipe accomplishes is alienating new players.
  2. Hello first this is Condoriano42 from the RLcraft server. First and foremost thank you to ManIforgot for helping with the stolen items. It was very much appreciated. Now on to my request for support. I was hunting in the LC with a couple of other players and I had died multiple times. Another player, ducklingsinatree, picked up my stuff for me. I noticed it on a Neptunian helmet but it also happened to my looting sword I got from a crate but hadn't noticed at the time. Tonight a Mod noticed that the looting sword had something called a, "creative tag," on it that says, "Spawned in by DucklingsinaTree." I had assumed at the time it had something to do with the fact that clones of ourselves seemed to be killing us. It would say, 'Condoriano42 has died to Condoriano42," so I assumed it was related and wrote it off. The mod informed me tonight that the, "spawned in by ducklignsinatree," is what's known as a creative tag and is against the rules. I might have glossed over that part of the rules because I didn't really understand it at the time. If need be I can get rid of the helmet and the looting sword but if possible I'd like to keep the looting sword. But I also don't want to break server rules. Is there a resolution? Thank you for your time.
  3. My username is Condoriano42. Someone went into my base and took a lot of end game gear I had in item frames and behind glass. The only way they could have gotten it is by using chorus fruit to get behind glass and take everything. I didn't even know you could break item frames in someone else's build but someone is telling me it's possible. Any assistance would be appreciated. If the items can't be retrieved I understand but I really hope they can. My main concern is making sure whoever is griefing bases is removed from the server or at least suspended for a time. Thank you for your time.
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