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AuraCosmo's Achievements

  1. n-Game Name: AuraCosmo Server: RLCraft Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!): Emerald Dragon Egg (#4774/0) Time & Date: 7:00 Pm Description of Issue: I was at the bride in spawn when wanted to show a friend my awesome Level 3 Dragon that was a male and named John but then when I used my dragon horn he disappeared.
  2. Price of the two crate boxes 1999$ 2100$
  3. AuraCosmo: Bronze dragon scale set, Sapphire dragon scale set, coblat shield, diamond tower shield, totem of undying, Cross necklace, iron pickaxe, iron axe,Flamed dragon bone nunchucka, Bezoar, emerald amulet, savage summoning staff,diamond armor set. : I do not have a base: Died due to hyperthermia in spawn while afk: Screenshots (Optional):
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