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Everything posted by Obdachlos0

  1. N-Game name: Obdachlos0 server:RLcraft Names of Item(s) and their enchantments:Flamed Dragon bone Glaive (Sharpness IV,Looting II),Diamond Pick axe (Efficiancy IV Fortune II),Golem chestplate,golem leggings(Unbreaking III),Broken heart,Fairy ring. Time & Date (GMT+2) Description of issue:I logged in the server and was waring a fairy ring and found myself stuck inside a block,i died and lost all my things but only retrieved 4 items
  2. N-Game name: Obdachlos0 server:RLcraft Names of Item(s) and their enchantments:Flamed Dragon bone Glaive (Sharpness IV,Looting II),Diamond Pick axe (Efficiancy IV Fortune II),Golem chestplate,golem leggings(Unbreaking III),Broken heart,Fairy ring. Time & Date (GMT+2) Description of issue:I logged in the server and was waring a fairy ring and found myself stuck inside a block,i died and lost all my things but only retrieved 4 items
  3. I died and got kicked out of the server. When i tried to join the server,it didnt let me join. When i joined the server i found out that the server restarted and lost allot of valuables. I would like a rollback as soon as possible (if this reason for a rollback is valid)
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