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A Doubt


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Hello !, I am [sponsor] LarsOMG and my account has been hacked, or someone came in with my account and change the password and password reset wanted to ask, or ask if I can transfer my rank or another nick?



if the account is mine .. can set and fixed my previous post that I am the real LarsOMG, I do not get the nick in the forum because someone is create an account with my name: P


and not that tests can give you the account is mine, watch my previous posts. not because they do not believe me: P


Last person I saw with that account LarsOMG had as Sponsor Nick 'iiCaxper_PvP' Hope that helps you getting your account back, good luck!


mm, if I am iiCaxperPvP, but LarsOMG sold me this account, so do not you speak, ask him any doubt is his live skype: josephnc13, I prefer not opines that if you do not know what you're talking.



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