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Island Rollback Request


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Your Name: fyxonn
Island Owner Name: fyxonn
Coordiantes: 19711, 72, 24319
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 16:50pm GMT+1, 28th december 2018 (just a few minutes before the server restarted, maybe you can see the exact time)
Description of Issue: I accedently broke my colossal chest with all items in it and they got deleted or despawned before i could fix it. All my items, expect a few mob drops lying around, were in that chest so i lost everything. It would be great if u guys could fix my mistake ^^
Screenshots (Optional): Dont have screenshot, because I didnt expect it to happen.


It seems as though the closest backup we have does not have your giant chest when it was fully complete. Therefore, I placed back the storage space you had before and attached it to your island, your items should hopefully all be there now.


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