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Inventory Rollback


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Your Name: Mogs_
Coordinates:  x:-9000, y:72, z:24351
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine) (day/month/year): 28/12/2018 , 6:22 PM
Description of Issue: My issue is that my entire inventory except for 1 piece of my armour that had been soulbound has been lost. The reason is that I had been using the sacrificial dagger and by mistake killed myself. Upon my death I was greeted by a message in chat "Grave could not be placed" afterwards I returned to my base checked to see if this was true and saw that my grave had not been placed and none of my items had dropped.
Screenshots (Optional): Sadly I have no screenshots of my inventory before this happened however this is where it happened



Hey Mog, 

It would be nice if you included what time zone you’re in, but if you remember all of your items you can make a refund request instead of a rollback (a refund is usually a little faster to process than a rollback),



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